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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Here's a man who understands the term "priorities." On the Welcome to Blog:

On August 26th 2005 a lighter given to me as a gift was confiscated by authorities at the Portland International Airport. Unlike your typical throw-away Bic, this lighter was special. It was nearly one of a kind. It was covered in photos of adorable kittens.

The lighter wound up in a locker at a storage office near baggage claim. When I returned to town on Labor Day it was closed. I vowed to return but couldn't decide if it was worth the trek back. I left it up to "Welcome to Blog"'s readers to make the decision and they overwhelmingly voted "yes."

I didn't make it back to the airport until the 27th, over 24 hours after my receipt clearly stated the office would fling the lighter in the trash. Was it still there?

Did they toss it?

Is the kitten lighter now sitting in a landfill somewhere?

Have the gods of ridiculous Parisian souvenirs been forsaken?

The answer to most of these questions is...







I would have done the same. Wouldn't you?

Scroll through the rest of this Portland-based blog for more details on the kitty lighter and life in the great Northwest, including a very funny post about Hooters.

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  • I'm TC Byrd, of the Hattie's Blog
  • From Hattiesburg, MS
  • I am a Southerner who doesn't care for cornbread; I am a Feminist who is ok with porn; I am a Democrat who is torn about gun control. I've lived in Hattiesburg 13 years and I run a fairly popular website for Hattiesburg live music, www.deadmandancing.com
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