Friday, September 30, 2005 

Here are a few catty links to get the blog rolling. I will try to avoid those pages with pink/purple backgrounds and little animated pawprints, and I will NEVER print cat poetry. I have some standards.

Hallmarks of Felinity So true, so true.

USM has a feral cat program that catches and spays/neuters and lets the cats back out to roam campus. There are certainly detractors of this idea, but I enjoyed hanging out with those critters when I was in school there. In fact, the new peacemaker in the family, Julius (was Harvey), is a cat that a local doctor paid to have neutered and vaccinated to give to a deserving family. He does this frequently, and will take the cats back to live outside his office if a family is not found. And Ally Cat Allies is a very nice, comprehensive site about feral cats. is an advocacy site with some horror stories which I did not read due to my insane soft-heartedness.

Animal Emergency Response Network
Lots of info about pets in the Katrina-ravaged area.
can help you find the pet of your dreams.

There are a lot of people out there with more cats and money than sense, I'm afraid, and the following links are for them.
Cat's Play
Cat Ceramics. You know you want 'em.

Kitty City
Auuugh! Why would someone do this to a cat?

I went to the mall this weekend (early for a movie, the very good Serenity. Oh, good, a cat lover and big nerd!), and among the many things I said "What the hell?!?" about was this. (!) People be crazy.

Lastly, does anyone know the link to the "screen cleaner" cat?

Thursday, September 29, 2005 

I'm still working on site design, but I simply can't wait to start blogging about cats! (Insert excited little squeal here.)

I now have three cats, may I remind the few suckers who are masochistic enough to be following this blog. I have the old, depressed broken-down Alex, who is quite a talker; then came Kelty, who is the high school football team captain of the bunch--charming, handsome, brave, and a bit of a bully--and who almost never utters a word; and the new baby, the shy Julius/Harvey, who is somewhere between the others in vocalizations. This leads me to a theory: as cats do not speak to one another, except kittens and mothers, and cats seems to have some sort of kitten/mother relationship with their owners in which they do speak to us, perhaps the more immature/un-self-confident of them vocalize more often. Granted, this is based on an N of 3, but it's a cat blog! No need for rigorous science.


By popular demand (Hey, you! Quit posting about your damn cats on the Hattie's Blog!), I have begun this little blog. Hopefully, this will be updated only rarely and I will not sink ever further into the sickness that is cat blogging.

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About me

  • I'm TC Byrd, of the Hattie's Blog
  • From Hattiesburg, MS
  • I am a Southerner who doesn't care for cornbread; I am a Feminist who is ok with porn; I am a Democrat who is torn about gun control. I've lived in Hattiesburg 13 years and I run a fairly popular website for Hattiesburg live music,
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